About Us

CEO’s Greeting


To Be K-Global Vaccine Hub
Welcome to the K-Bio CMO Center

Vaccines are the most effective measures to protect the human body from infectious diseases. which could be health and social huge impact. there for who has vaccine sovereignty is a major measure of national competitiveness and national security. The industrialization of vaccines is an essential part to improve public health and reduce the burden of public medical expenses. which is an urgent need for Korea to secure vaccine sovereignty.

Vaccines are a high-tech bio-industry that can prevent new infectious diseases, including the MERS, Zika virus, Ebola and their demand is growing day by day.

Nationally, we are striving to foster related industries with the goal of becoming a vaccine powerhouse.

Above all, with the establishment of the Korea Bio Parmaceutical CMO Center, which will lead the global industrialization of vaccines, we are laying the groundwork to become a new base for the vaccine industry. With the vision of ‘realizing a vaccine producing powerhouse’, we will strategically nurture the vaccine industry as a national key industry and realize the reality of vaccine self-sufficiency. As well as, we have equipment and facilities specialized in consignment production of clinical and commercial vaccines based on global GMP-grade animal cells to promote vaccine research and development.

We support vaccine candidates under development by companies to enter global non-clinical and clinical stages.

Thank you for your continuous trust and support.