GMP Facility


Drug Substance - Culture

  • Cell & Virus
    Bank Production

    Master & Working Cell/Virus Bank

    Cell & Virus Bank Storage

  • Production of
    clinical sample

    Mammalian cell-based vaccines.

    biopharmaceutical samples based.

  • Cell Culture
    Adherent cells

    Cell Factory Culture

    Reactor culture using micro-carrier

  • Cell Culture
    Suspension cells

    Wave Reactor (20L/50L)

    Bioreactor (50L/200L/1,000L)

  • Culture

Adherent Cell Line

Cell Factory Culture System Using ACFM

Mass culture of adherent cells is available. It is easy to scale up from seed culture to the main culture. One cart which consists of four flasks of a 40-layer cell factory can culture as much as the area of around five hundred T-175 ㎠ flasks.

Eppendorf BioFlo 320 14L Reactor
(Fibra cell Disk)

With its working volume of 10.5 L, it is possible to mass-scale cultivate adherent cells, and it is as same scale of culture capacity as one hundred 10-layer cell factory. Perfusion culture is available, and both Single-use and Re-use are available.

Univercells Scale-X
(Fixed-bed bioreactor)

Perfusion culture is available, and in process of it, cell counting is possible with sampling. It is a Single-use bioreactor, and Tangential Flow Filtration(TFF) is available.

Suspension Cell Line

[ Seed culture #1 ]

- Vial (WCB) thawing

- Flask culture

[ Seed culture #2 ]

- 2D Bag culture (Single-use type)

(Single-use type)

[ Main culture ]

- 3D Bag culture (Single-use type)

- Virus infection / C.C.F harvest

Type Seed Culture (subculture) Main Culture
Culture Type Erlenmeyer flask Wave Bioreactor Bioreactor
Culture Scale 25mL - 1L Scale 5 - 10L Scale 50L - 1,000L Scale


CO2 Incubator

With a scale of 5 to 10 L, it provides a cell growth environment through CO2 gassing and humidity maintenance when culturing seed cells.

Wave Bioreactor

The air circulation method : rocking. Provide various conditions compared to CO2 incubator when culturing seed cells. pH maintenance using CO2, DO control through O2 supply. Collect samples via sampling port and analyze the condition of culture fluid.


The air circulation method : stirring. basic function is similar to wave bioreactor, but it can cultivate precisely. Various port configurations facilitate additional solution feeding and virus infection. Gas switch Overlay/Sparger.